Monday, July 27, 2015

Across the Board and The Mid-States

That is betting on a horse to Win, Place and Show. If the odds are good and the horse wins you’re in a bit of money (when the odds are small enough you cannot bet to Show or even to Place). That is a strategy I use since I have no desire to risk much on a horse. Definitely if the horse has the odds, that I will cover the bet even if he just Shows, and some believe the horse can win I like to place that bet.

I have a certain knowledgeable celebrity’s picks to guide me on the major equestrian events, and the casino with its OTB is so very close. So two dollars across the board, six dollars total, is a risk I am willing to take if opportunity allows. I do not wager on horses often.

So I was busy on the day of the Preakness. I checked that certain man’s recommendations and quickly knew if I had had time I would have bet across the board on one particular horse. I turned on the TV and soon after saw that horse Place.

For the Belmont Stakes it was so busy that I saved a bit of money by not being able to make it to the counter (due to a line of people all taking forever to place a simple bet) for the first race on which I wished to wager. I had two winning tickets on other races. If I had made it to the OTB for the Preakness I would have broke even over the two events. As it stood I didn’t cover my investment.

Exacta boxes, picking the two lead horses in either order, can also be a productive wager if you have little money. When there is an overwhelming favorite in the race it is a poor bet. Many will make an exacta box with the favorite and every other horse in the race, vastly reducing the winnings potential for the winning ticket.

Having been in the money for two poker tournaments in a row at a venue I enjoy I wondered if I could make it three; across the board in a sense. So when the opportunity arose I was out the door and off.

My stack dwindled to less than half without a single winning hand well past the first break. I rebounded. I built up to an average stack, based on number of players remaining, several times. I just couldn’t break the average stack barrier. I never had a dominant stack to take advantage of. I made a bad push against a superior stack. I called a large raise with a good hand that became junk after the flop. Overall though I played a good tight game.

Down to nine I made a play that seldom works out for me and I keep telling myself not to do it again. Nine players remained; four to be paid. I was under the gun, one hand from the blinds, small stacked. I had been telling myself to wait for the blinds for the entire round, but needing to win an all-in to remain in the running it is in this very position that weakness strikes. An Ace, Face-Card or near anything suited (hardly the best hand to go all-in with but I have a weakness for flush draws) convinces my brain that “these may be the best cards you’ll see before your stack runs out.” With nine players it is a bad all-in call under the gun but at this point everyone is playing very tight.

My King Deuce of diamonds didn’t work out. I had one caller and he had pocket tens. His hand makes me wonder why it took him so long to call. I shouldn’t be so trusting. I may be out of line but I’m going to tell people to take their hands off their cards, especially when they’re sliding them back and forth on the table very fast. Also if they show they’re cards to someone else I’m calling them on it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No one else, tournament director or otherwise, is going to call anyone on anything on my behalf; a topic I’ve covered on previous posts but no one else shouldn’t expect it either.

DSCN5528Two out of three aint bad and the idea came to me that a third try at the casino may pay off, bringing me to 500 and still well in the black overall. But I am not one to run off on a whim when an idea pops into my head. When I have the time and have mentally prepared the opportunity will arise. A trellis for my raspberries is a higher priority than rushing out to a Saturday Omaha hi-lo game.

I am averaging about one poker outing a month. It is sufficient to revive and keep my knowledge, abilities, read and understanding of the game at a competitive level.

The Mid-Sates Poker Tour is underway at the Potawatomi Casino. Another opportunity to climb the ladder beginning with a small buy-in satellite. How can I not try at least once. I have plenty of time.

Yes, I am still writing. Check out my author’s page on amazon. I recommend this e-book if you like 19th century tales of adventure and survival.

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