Do I think too much?
A guy on the radio wondered how the casinos will survive when social
distancing may be the norm for several months.
Well, if testing for corona virus antibodies is far cheaper than testing for
the virus itself, casinos may want to do that kind of testing for their
What danger could there be if you already had it? None, whether you know it
or not.
And the casinos could probably get money from the government to pay for the
tests. They could do drive thru tests like they do in Korea.
And you all may want to test for zinc deficiencies since that seems to
portend death as well as having diabetes, and prepare accordingly.
I know, you want to know how my poker game has been developing.
First let me share how I am keeping safe. I was in Korea for eight days this
early February so have been very attentive to news regarding this new virus and
viruses in general.
Here is a link
showing how there may be very cheap and effective treatments to this virus,
based on the effect of intercellular zinc in deterring the virus.
Here is how you
make your immune system bulletproof. I would recommend bulletproof coffee if you
are overweight and to look into Dr. Berg’s diet advice.
This is what I have been taking during these troubling times, though I am
normally not big into supplements. The apple cider vinegar makes your stomach
acid stronger which is necessary to absorb zinc; just a splash into a glass of
water. The olive leaf extract squirted into the mix takes some of the bite out
of the vinegar and is known for it’s antiviral qualities. Add some zinc and
vitamin C. I include cod liver oil as it contains both vitamin D and A; both
mentioned in the linked video.
I add to that the King of adaptogens; ginseng in a fermented form.
Why so many travel restrictions and such? This virus is extremely contagious
and though many may have no problem with it, so many may get it so quickly it
could swamp our hospitals, creating many unnecessary deaths. So they want to
control the spread.
It is too late to stop it now.
Thanks China!
So I switched to no limit games this year and have done much better. The
learning curve has flattened. But my head got a little big and I lost all my
gains for this year.
I did have a really good result at a limit table this year. Basically
everyone at the table was waiting for a no limit game, so they were not playing
‘no fold’m hold’m’ as many limit players do, especially when I am at the
My trip to Korea overlapped with the last big tournament at Potawatomi Casino so I didn’t go. I was
I am well positioned in the stock market right now. Caught some MSFT on a big
dip and sold it the same day.
That’s it. I am not going to give anything away this time.
I have stayed away from the tables since I got back from Korea just in case.
Maybe after 70% of the population has been infected, herd immunity, I may go
I did go in for my free slot play, washing my hands before and after, and
have not shown any symptoms as far as I know.
Stay safe.
Thanks for reading.
I should get paid for my insights