Thursday, October 24, 2013

Good Times

The good times of poker for the common man may have passed. The numbers have been down from poker’s heyday and the long term slumping economy has made it all the worse with each passing year. My favorite ‘Tavern Tourneys’ has dropped Milwaukee venues. I put no small efforts in this blog to inflame the passions of the predominantly Kenosha patrons of Tavern Tourneys to keep them off their game when meeting over a monthly tournament. Now I will most likely not have an opportunity to qualify for any of their monthly’s as I will have few opportunities to attend any of their tournaments to qualify.

I had been card dead for some time previous and have not been drawn to a table for a long while. Yesterday I ventured to a new venue. I found the environment very amicable. I also found that I am still running card dead. But the dark confining Winter months will facilitate another venture into finding prosperity via poker. Actually, the Tavern Tourney bar gatherings were becoming so small in number of players that it was highly improbable to come to anything resembling break even, let alone in the black.

The new found venue and other known venues of like kind should provide a greater opportunity to grow in experience and potential winnings. I also hope to get in a few trips to the casino for some Omaha Hi/Lo or a cash tournament. Their new hotel is being clad, hidden behind the bridges there. Snapped this on one of my rides.

casinoMy wife and I ventured to the casino for her birthday. After eating at the buffet we headed to the no-smoking slot machine room. Unlike myself she had some luck. She turned her $20 into more than $33 at which point I convinced her to stop. She cashed out and then couldn’t keep herself from another $20 fling. She was at a penny machine and slowly building a few dollars profit. Then she said, “This is boring.” and went to another machine where she quickly lost the $20 down to the last penny. With a bright face she turned to me and said, “That was fun!”

Personally I find winning fun unlike my wife who finds throwing money to the wind fun. I would settle for marginal up gains. She looks only to the big win or nothing. I tried to teach her how to play poker…