I have been contemplating how many times I went all-in, found myself with a dominating hand and then dealt myself a losing hand. Too many times.
Being self employed we had many demands on our funds this last January. So after gaining a big chunk of points earlier in the month supporting a new location for Tavern Tourneys I didn’t play much. Then on about the 25th I saw on the website that their monthly was in Milwaukee; very close for once after many monthlies having been nearly in Illinois much of the year.
So I rushed out to the last three opportunities to gain points or outright win. Won 25 points in the first of three and then ran into two local tournaments packed with people with big bank rolls who simply kept buying back in after going bust, creating a clear insurmountable hill to climb. …Hmmmm? But last night I still had a chance. Not being one to just sit back and simply slide to a final table I needed to grow my stack quick to consider an outright win. I went all-in on my deal with a K, J. Thought I had a good chance with a smaller table and with the tables grow tight when the blinds are 5,000-10,000. I dealt myself trip J’s but dealt one of two callers a straight.
Wasn’t as bad as the night before when I was all-in with a A, J against an A, 10. Yes I dealt a 10 on the turn after a low flop that negated any straight or flush potentials.
Finally got some money together to get some materials to build a couple of poker tables.
More to come on that project. Found a great place to order foam from.
A new dog in the house! Ike is very demanding. Formerly named Spike my brothers toddlers couldn’t pronounce the Sp, so the name became Ike. And with the toddlers running two directions and Ike the third they just couldn’t handle him.
Will put together my ‘Twelve Days of Poker’ schedule soon.