I have not been to a poker tournament in some time. I am doing much better playing on the Internet as many of the former money players now must play for free. So I'm not playing carefree hacks any longer. Also there are many more Omaha hi/lo games available.
After being encouraged by a friend of mine most of the Winter to bowl in an individual league on Fridays, I finally took him up on it. He seems to do well at collecting off the many offers to pick up prizes of cash or coupons. He always claimed it did not cost him much to bowl because of the prizes he wins on a regular basis. The prizes are based on strikes with colored head pins, strikes on predetermined frames, drawings, etc.
Not so for me. Though I tried a different ball today, that gave me hope for future improvement, I have not been doing well enough to even come close to making a dent in what it cost me to bowl. It cost about the same as a poker tournament and my returns are much higher with poker.
I will be stepping back from bowling until we get our finances worked out. Getting many bills out of the way, most notably our quarterly tax payments, we are about to get back to the ability to build assets for life and the future. Unfortunately much of that will be going into repairs on our home, and medical bills, for some time. But maybe things will work out better than we expect. I haven't raced my mountain bike in almost two years either and hope to make a few races this year.
So how much will I invest in small social tournaments held in bars and taverns? Even though it is an activity that is far less costly than mountain biking and bowling, considering my ability to win an occasional tournament, and could even bring a return, ...it is just so bright outside right now at 7:00 pm.; the time when poker tournaments generally start. I find it hard not to be busy with something else at the time. I still want to get in some tournaments over the Summer. My mind is more open to walking to a tournament, enjoying the nice weather, than driving or taking the bus. So I will be more likely start going to Badger Poker tournaments again this summer rather than Tavern Tourneys. Of course if the weather is bad...
It looks like Winter will be the primary season for poker. Still have some friends over once in a while for a friendly game. I may try the casino once or twice over the Summer if we get on top of our home repairs. Why go to the casino? Because I have a good chance to come out ahead.
Didn't bet on any horses that Mark Belling picked in the last three big horse races. I really wanted to on that race just before Mother's Day, but we were really busy with our sales. I had a strong urge to run out quick and make a bet but didn't. It would have paid off big. The two big races after that where Mark Belling provided picks I had plenty of time to get to the OTB at the casino, but I just didn't feel any drive to go. I would have lost. This is part of how I do well at poker.
I wrote another book. Not poker related. Available only for Kindle. It is a good read, edited as well as I can myself. So if the occasional over use of commas and sentence fragments trouble you to no end you might not enjoy it. Otherwise I am sure you'll love it. Do I spend hundreds to send out copies to numerous publishers to try to get support as an author, or spend some $5,000, $5,000 I don't have, to self publish; editing, layout/design and marketing all included?